CD School House 9
CD School House 9.0 - Wayzata Technology (1994).iso
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Text File
433 lines
Version 1.4
Copyright (c), 1989-92
Richard A. Olsen
BassTips is released as ShareWare. With this novel marketing
concept, you have the opportunity to "try before you buy". If you
find BassTips to be enjoyable and informative, then you are
expected to register your copy with the author. Registered users
will receive the latest version of BassTips, if the version they
have is not current. In addition, they will be kept informed of
new programs, updates etc., and receive full support of the
software by the author. By registering your copy of any
ShareWare program, you are supporting the efforts of the author,
which in turn encourages the creation of new software at
affordable prices. You are free to copy this software, upload it
to BBS systems etc. All rights to the program remain the property
of the author. This software may not be sold separately or
bundled with another product without express written permission
of the author. This software is protected under the United States
Copyright laws.
To register your copy of BassTips, fill in the registration form
at the end of this document and send it together with $10.00
(cash, check, or money order) to the author:
Richard Olsen
68 Hartwell Ave.
Littleton, MA 01460
BassTips is a collection of valuable bass fishing tips gathered
from many sources. Currently, there are over 100 tips in the
collection, and it is growing almost daily. If you are "into"
bass fishing, then BassTips is for you. BassTips can be
configured to "pop" a tip onto your screen each time you turn on
your computer, or you can run the program at your command. You
can elect to have the tips appear in a random order, or to
display them sequentially. You can scan the whole tip file if you
want, or just look at one tip then exit the program. You can add
your own tips, select the colors you like, and print the tips if
you want. BassTips makes a great gift for any bass fisherman, and
is sure to contain a tip or two that anyone can benefit from.
Since these tips come from many sources (including the
experiences of the author) there are probably some you have heard
before, and many you haven't. In either case, BassTips is bound
to teach you something new, or reinforce some aspect of your
fishing habits. It might even make you a better fisherman!
There are several files on your BassTips diskette. Here's a
description of what they are, and what they do:
1. BassTips.EXE......This is the main program that reads the tips
from the disk and displays them for you.
2. TIPCONFG.EXE......The configuration program. This program
is used to set the display colors to your
3. TIPPARAM..........This file contains the parameters used by
BassTips to configure it the way you want
it. It stores the colors you select and
what is the next tip to be displayed if you
have selected sequential display of the tips.
4. TIPS.RAN..........This is a random access file that contains
the text for the tips. This file is accessed
each time a tip is displayed.
5. TIPEDIT.EXE.......This is a simple program that will allow you
to add your own tips to the TIPS.RAN file so
they can be displayed by BassTips.
6. RTOT.EXE..........This is a utility program that will create a
standard text file from the TIPS.RAN file.
The file it creates is called TIPS.TXT,
which can be sent to your printer.
7. TTOR.EXE..........This is another utility program. It is used
for changing the file TIPS.TXT created by
RTOT.EXE back into a random file so that
BassTips can use it.
8. BassTips.DOC......The document you are reading now.
9. ORDERFRM.TXT......A "catalog" of other software available from
the author and other sources. Most are
fishing related.
10. BTIPS.BAT.........A batch file to make running BassTips
in RANDOM mode easier.
11. BTIPSS.BAT........A batch file to make running BassTips in
SEQUENTIAL mode easier.
12. README.TXT........A text file you should read.
What You Need
BassTips will run on any IBM compatible personal computer with at
least 256k of memory. It does not require a color display or a
hard disk, but is faster and looks nicer if you have them.
Installing BassTips on your hard disk
To install BassTips on your hard disk, insert the distribution
diskette into your floppy disk drive (either A: or B: will
do). Then type the following lines, pressing ENTER after each
line is typed. If you have inserted the diskette into drive B:,
substitute B: for A: where necessary.
CD\ (press enter)
COPY A: BTIPS.BAT C: (press enter)
COPY A: BTIPSS.BAT C: (press enter)
MKDIR BassTips (press enter)
CD BassTips (press enter)
COPY A: *.* C: (press enter)
Typing these lines will create a directory on your hard disk
called BassTips, and copy all of the files to it for you.
Configuring Colors for BassTips
When you receive your BassTips diskette, it is configured for use
on either a monochrome or a color display. On a color display,
the background of the tip window will be gray, and the text will
be displayed in black. The distribution diskette contains a
program called TIPCONFG.EXE which will allow you to change the
colors that BassTips uses. To change the default colors, first
make sure you are attached to the BassTips directory, if you are
using a hard disk. To do this, type CD\BassTips. Next, type
TIPCONFG, which will run the color configuration program.
Operation of the color configuration program is as follows:
A box will appear on the screen that contains a border and some
text. The background of the box, the title, and the text will be
displayed in the currently selected colors. Beneath the box are
three lines listing the choices. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to
move the cursor to the choice you want to make, and use the LEFT
and RIGHT arrows to change the selection for that choice. As you
change colors, the corresponding colors you see on the screen
will change. When you are satisfied with your color selections,
press ESC to save the colors you have chosen, and make them the
new default colors that will be used each time a tip is
Running BassTips
After you have completed the installation as described above,
there are several ways to run BassTips. BassTips can either
display the tips in a random order, or in sequence. The default
mode is random. The easiest way to run BassTips is to type BTIPS.
This will run the program in random mode. If you want to run in
sequential mode, type BTIPSS. In sequential mode, BassTips
remembers the last tip that you viewed, and automatically shows
you the next tip in sequence. Both of these methods of running
BassTips use the batch files supplied on the diskette. You can
also run BassTips by typing BassTips -R for random mode or, to
run sequentially, BassTips -S. To run in this way, you must be
attached to the BassTips directory. If you select sequential
mode, when the last tip in your file has been displayed, BassTips
will reset to the beginning of the file. If you are in random
mode, it's possible that the same tip could be displayed twice in
a row.
Adding New Tips
If you come across a good bass fishing tip, and you want to add
it to BassTips, there is a utility program on your distribution
diskette that will help you do this. The program is called
TIPEDIT.EXE. To run the tip editor, simply type TIPEDIT. Be sure
you are attached to the BassTips directory. The tips consist of
up to seven lines of text, each line containing up to 80
characters. When you first start TIPEDIT, the cursor will appear
on the blank line beneath the words LINE 1. Type in your tip the
way you want it. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move to a new
line. The DEL key will delete the character at the cursor
position. When you type, new characters will appear at the cursor
and all characters to the right of the cursor will be pushed
further to the right. The LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys will move the
cursor to the left or right in the line. MAKE SURE YOUR NUM LOCK
IS OFF! Backspace works as you would expect.
TIPEDIT will also let you edit a tip that already exists. First,
you need to know the number of the tip you want to edit. One way
to do this is to run BassTips in sequential mode, and jot down
the number of the tip shown at the top of the tip window. Once
you know what tip numbers you want to edit, quit out of BassTips
by pressing ESC, then type TIPEDIT to start the tip editor. Be
sure you are attached to the BassTips directory. When TIPEDIT is
running, press ALT-L (hold down the ALT key while you press the L
key). TIPEDIT will ask you for the number of the tip you want.
Enter the number of the tip, and press ENTER. TIPEDIT will then
search your disk for that tip and display it on the screen when
it's found. Now you can use the UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrow key to
position the cursor where the change is to be made. When all your
changes have been made, press ESC to save the tip in its edited
form, just as it appears on the screen. TIPEDIT will then ask if
you want to enter or edit another tip. To exit the program, just
answer N or NO. To edit another existing tip, answer Y or YES
followed by ALT-L. If you want to ADD a new tip, answer Y or YES
and TIPEDIT will clear the screen and position the cursor ready
for the first line of the tip.
Converting TIPS.RAN to a Text file
BassTips uses a random file format to store the tips in a file
called TIPS.RAN. This format allows BassTips to find the correct
tip very quickly on your disk. Although random files have this
speed advantage, the drawback is that they're not very readable
by humans. Since at some time you may want to be able to read
your tips file, a program is included on your BassTips
distribution diskette that will create a readable text file based
upon the tips in your TIPS.RAN file. The file created is called
TIPS.TXT, which can be printed, or edited/examined with almost
any word processing program.
The conversion program used for creating a text file of your tips
is called RTOT.EXE, and is contained on the BassTips distribution
diskette. To create a text file that reflects the contents of
your tips file, first make sure you are attached to the BassTips
directory. Then simply type RTOT <enter>, and your text file
will be created. The newly created file will be called TIPS.TXT.
Creating a new TIPS.RAN file
The BassTips distribution diskette contains a utility program
called TTOR.EXE. The purpose of this little program is to create
a random file, based on a text file, that is readable by
BassTips. The only time this program is needed is if you have
previously used the RTOT program to create a text file, then done
some editing of that text file that you want BassTips to
recognize. Use this program ONLY if you know what you're doing!
It will overwrite the existing TIPS.RAN file with the new one. If
you have flubbed up while editing the text file TIPS.TXT, those
mistakes will appear in the resultant file created by TTOR and be
reflected in the tips displayed by BassTips.
Editing a BassTips text file
If you have created a text file of your tips using RTOT, it will
be called TIPS.TXT. This text file can be edited with almost any
wordprocessing program. The format of the text for each tip is
critical. The tips can be no more than 7 lines of text, with each
line containing no more than 80 characters. The tips must be
separated by a single asterisk (*) in the first character
position of a line containing no other characters. If you decide
to edit this text file with a wordprocessor program, be sure to
follow a few simple precautions, in case you make a mistake.
First, make a copy of the text file before you do any editing.
Next, study the format of the text to make sure you understand
the placement of the asterisk (*). After you finish your editing,
run the TTOR utility program to convert your edited TIPS.TXT file
back into a random file (TIPS.RAN) so it can be used by BassTips.
If you experience any errors while running TTOR, then there is
probably something wrong with the way you did your editing. Also,
if the tips do not work properly with BassTips, you've most
likely made a mistake in your editing of the text file.
Editing of the text file, and subsequent regeneration of the
TIPS.RAN file is not recommended because you can destroy your
tips file, and render BassTips useless. BE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT
YOU'RE DOING. The distribution diskette contains a simple editor
program that will do an adequate job of adding new tips to your
file, or making changes to existing tips. It is highly
recommended that you use it because it takes care of proper
formatting for you.
Printing Your Tips
The tip file on the distribution disk, TIPS.RAN, cannot be sent
to a printer directly. If you try it, garbled printing will
result. The best way to obtain printed copy of your tips is to
use the utility program supplied on the distribution diskette
called RTOT. This program creates a text file that can be sent to
your printer. To do this, first make sure you are attached to the
BassTips directory, then type RTOT <enter>. In a few minutes, the
message "Done" will appear, indicating that a text file has been
created. To send the file to your printer, type COPY TIPS.TXT
PRN:. Obviously, make sure your printer has paper loaded, is
turned on, and is set to ON LINE before typing the copy command.
Calling All Tips
If you have some good bass fishing tips that you'd like to share,
send them to me. I'll look them over, and possibly add them to
the next release of BassTips. If I use one or more of your tips,
I'll give you full credit for them in either the documentation or
on the screen, and you'll receive an updated version with your
tip or tips included, free. You can also leave your tips (or any
other comments) on the Xevious BBS system in Framingham, Mass.
Address them to Dick Olsen. The Xevious BBS can be reached at:
(508) 875-3618
The newest version of BASSTIPS is always available there first,
as well as the newest versions of other programs written by the
This software is sold "as is", without any warranty as to performance
or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the
many hardware and software environments into which this program may
be used, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered.
The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any
liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product
replacement or the refund of the registration fee.
This software is produced by Richard Olsen who is a member of the
Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure
that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting
the member directly, ASP may be able to help.
The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road,
Muskegon, MI 49442-9427, USA or send a CompuServe message via
easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
Registration Form
To register your copy of BassTips, fill out the information below
and send this form along with $10.00 ($12 if 3 1/2" disk) in U.S.
funds, (cash, check or money order) to the author at the address
shown below. You will promptly receive the newest version of BassTips
upon receipt of your registration.
STREET ADDRESS__________________________________________________
ZIP CODE________________________________________________________
BassTips Version You Have_______________________________________
Where Did You Get BassTips?_____________________________________
Disk Size Required (please check one): _____ 5 1/4" _____ 3 1/2"
Mail to: Richard Olsen
Olsen Outdoors
68 Hartwell Ave.
Littleton, MA 01460